Things that make me go mmmmm...

Welcome to the things that I share, My page, My Life,. My thoughts, My ideas, My questions, My opinions, basically all
things that make me go hmmm.....

Tuesday 23 March 2010

At the Cinema...

I went to the Cinema to see 'The Hurt Locker' on Sunday to see what the fuss was about. The Film was not bad, though I didn't realise that it had the 'Blair Witch element' (hand held movements with the camera...which didn't go down too well with me), but at least I enjoyed it more that 'Blair Witch'. But other things were on my mind I'm quite a very laid back guy, so there really isn't much that bothers me. But the things that do, REALLY DO. For example, 1) People talking through the movie. Now, luckily I don't have much experience with this when I go to the movies, so when it does happen, I sit and think ''oh, the movie is just starting and they are probably abit excited about the movie', so I'il just leave it. Then 10mins into it, I start to think, they'il just quieten down, then 20, then 30, and then I realise, its not going to its time for 'the look', the one that kills. And its not the 'good flirty kill, its the 'please shut up, I am trying to watch the movie and you are buggering it up for me' look. Its amazing how effective this can be. No words, and no communication'. and then theres 2) People who insist on having there phone on through the movie. All I can say is' WTF?!' These people have the phone on and then when someone does call, they say 'I can't talk, I'm watching a movie...' WTF??!! whats the point in having it on in the first place then? And if they do talk, they tend to ignore the fact that everyone can hear them....AMAZING...truly AMAZING..that really does make me go .'HMMMM....!!'

1 comment:

  1. Haha, can't agree more on talking in cinema! I usually 'tap' the person if s/he is near by and can't see me. I really want to kick them out.

    Blair Witch Project is the worst movie I ever watched. Feel stupid afterward. Give them credit for marketing.
