Things that make me go mmmmm...

Welcome to the things that I share, My page, My Life,. My thoughts, My ideas, My questions, My opinions, basically all
things that make me go hmmm.....

Thursday 18 March 2010


I went to my first artwalk last night, and really enjoyed it. For those who don't know what it is, Artwalk is an event supported by galleries around HK and I think the arts council to give exposure to those Galleries for Chairty. So basically we pay a fee to walk all around the Galleries where there is free wine and food in aid (partly) for charity which is not a bad idea. Anything for a good cause is not a bad idea, also at the same time we get to see lots of different artist whom we may never have heard of, or know even. A good chance to broaden our knowledge of arts and artists..oh..did I mention the free booze and food?

When you have paid for a ticket, you get a badge, which you have to wear in order to enjoy the 'free things' and also a brouchure of the galleries involved and a map, showing you where they are, so you can choose your own little detour of fun. Think of it as a 'Pubcrawl' but instead you goto galleries, and even though there is wine and food, its not really the same...more like 'Artcrawl' The event starts at 5pm and ends at 12midnight. There are over 60 galleries in 7hours...that makes it...about 10 galleries an hour.. which doesn't sound alot but once you start drinking and eating from each gallery, it makes it more of a challenge to move onto the next one. A glass of iwine in each one makes it 60 glasses of wine...which is abit crazy for 1 night. But seriously, you are never going to make it to each one, so realistically speaking, you could probably make it to about 20-40 at a fast pace. So each gallery wants to show you their best pieces and want you to stay longer, so one of the ways to do that, is to prepare the best food and wine, to feed you into staying.Yes it does sound good...and yes, it IS GOOD...being pampered is not easy.

Artwalk is very very popular. Its yearly and this is its 10th Anniversary. Its a great thing to do with friends after work. . Its funny because as the night drags on, you get to see all these groups of people trying to cram into these small galleries (that is the typical gallery size in HK) so you are forever following a herd of people everywhere into galleries, and with the free flowing wine, it becomes a good chance to meet strangers and talk about how great this piece of art is and how we can understand what the artist IS actually saying. Face it, after a few glasses of wine, we begin to see art in a different light, after alot of glasses of wine, we become art critics extraordinaire.Having to try and be serous about something we totally don't get sounds like a good excuse to point and move our hands around in a artisitic manner, and another funny thing is, is that it makes us more believable. It really is fun. If this is the life of being a art reviewer or critic then it seems like a nice living.

We made our way through 10-12 galleries before the wine finally caught up with me, and my eyes were no longer under my control. Besides my lack of alcohol consumption was really not what it used to be. By about 10.30pm, I was heavily fed on snacks and finger food that really shouldn't be used as a ' fill you up'., I was also very very tired. If I was allowed to sleep in the galleries I would have.The stone pavements outside the galleries were looking very attractive and very relaxing, especially since my journey home took me an hour, and without knowing the frequency of the buses, it may take me even longer...that pavement was beginnig to look too comfortable. I slowly made myself home, luckily the bus arrived as soon as I got to the bus stop. I had a nap on the bus and it did wonders.

Only had a few hours rest before my work day started again, so the sofa was a quick option for a bed. Overall a good night out, lots to see, drink, eat and be merry , all for charity, which makes pretending to be someone who understands art but really who doesn't, that much more fun and worth it.

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