Things that make me go mmmmm...

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Thursday, 12 May 2011

A part of Hong Kong Culture-The Durian

Being in Hong Kong, there are so many beautiful, colourful, fun, exciting and amazing things around in the culture, that makes it such a great place to be in. One of the amazing things is the food. Chinese food is well known throughout the world, I won't bother trying to go through how good everything is, because so many people have done it. What I'm going to talk about is the food I love yet can't stand to smell. On the top of my list is the Durian. At first this weapon of destruction which if you just throw it at someone can literially do serious damage!) Don't let the outer hardcore shell fool you, inside this fruit is really 'the king of fruit' named for its richness in texture and taste.

For people who have never encountered a Durian, its definitely something you will never forget, the main reason is because of its smell. The smell is very hard to describe, for me, I know that the smell is nothing compared to the taste I think alot of people would just pull a face and shriek at the potent smell of this great fruit, which is quite funny. Try introducing this fruit to your western friends!  I really can't remember when I fell in love with the durian. All I know is that my family loves to eat it, and so I must have caught the bug off them. Once you get hooked, and get used to the rich flavours, there really is no turning back. Its gooey, smelly and absolutely gorgeous! You will be surprised that a majority of Hong Kong people enjoy this fruit, and the rest just can't stand the smell of it.

You either worship it or really hate it..there is no sitting on the fence with this one.

Once you put this in your mouth, the taste balances out the smell and aroma you get from it. Its a strong tatse yet not too overwhelming.  Like all fruit, the Durian is seasonal, which is why sometimes it can abit expensive to buy. The most popular places to import it from is Thailand and Malaysia. There are varities, some not too strong and some milder. I haven't gotten round to tasting the varities yet. But hope so someday.

"Too much of a good thing' can be bad for you, the Durian is no exception, because of its richness in terms of heat within the body, its wise not to eat too much at once. But hey, I laugh in the face of unhealthy bowels and stomach pains, and can't wait to pass a market where the smell of fresh durian is hanging in the air!

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