Things that make me go mmmmm...

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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Backtrack-Elizabeth Taylor

Last week, Elizabeth Taylor died. Its quite sad to see such a big personality pass away. it reminds us that everything and everyone comes and goes. There will be big stars such as her who we think will live on, whom death doesn't notice, but she is just as real as you and I.

I'm not a big Elizabeth Taylor fan, so I won't pretend that she was the best thing etc etc, but I acknowledge the presence that she had brought with her to those in the Entertainment industry. I haven't seen all her films, I don't think I've even seen 5 of her films. Its not that she was not a great actress, maybe its because she wasn't in the time when I started to watch movies.

There is 1 film that I saw and I will remember this film for a very very long time, this is because it was an amazing film. Her acting was simply breath-taking. I have no doubt that she was more than just an attractive face. The film was 'Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf' with Richard Burton. What I found striking was her acting, every word, sentence emotion, was 'breath-taking'.

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