Things that make me go mmmmm...

Welcome to the things that I share, My page, My Life,. My thoughts, My ideas, My questions, My opinions, basically all
things that make me go hmmm.....

Monday, 14 March 2011


During Chinese New year, my family came over for 3 weeks for a nice holiday and that included my very young nieces. Being so young, at ages 3 and 5, you wouldn't have guessed that this was their 2nd and 3rd time here. And even now, looking at the photos I took of them when they were here the time before I coudlnt believe how fast they were growing in looks and attitude and especially how clever they become. I'm not talking the cleverness of knowing how to do things, or how fast they react to certain thing, no, this was manipulation on a scary scale, the scale that criminals worked on. and before you start accusing me of calling my nieces criminals, believe me, its not with a sordid name calling but of a admiration for how they be do that at such a young age. It really does make being a parent a even frightening prospect (!) When it comes to getting what they want, or exactly how things they want, the kids really show no mercy. My nieces are gorgeous, big cute eyes and looks of princesses. But delve deeper and you will find clever minds at work, already working on how they can get their uncle to buy them that new nintendo game, or watch their favourite programes without caring what you would want to watch.

When I was at their age compared to them now, I would be the small kid in the corner away trying to hide away from their sight...yes...of course I am over exaggerating, but not to be funny, even their parents have to question their every motive and action." Not hungry for dinner?..hmm..maybe they saw that cake I bought and was saving for tomorrow..." ...'Mom, its ok, I know you can't afford to buy me that toy, but I know Uncle can...'..(the second sentence REALLY happened but not exactly like that...

Having not seen them for 2 years it was fascinating to watch them. Being the Uncle, I would be wise to their every action, and while I would be proud to show my wisdom with words, the rest of my family would shrug and know all too well, there was a alternative motive...and watched me being taken in like the proud sucker in a con.

After the first 10 days, I grew into their excuses and knew where they were coming from, and knew exactly when and how to reward them the way I wanted. Easy. no more getting their own ways. No more expensive things but simple activity books. Yep. This uncle was no longer a a sucker. but a more wiser and helpful uncle.

Its always amazing how time flies when you are on holiday. It seemed like they was only here a week instead of 3. After seeing them off at the airport, I went back to the flat, after they left, checking if they had left anything behind, and I noticed that the flat was covered in little stickers that you get with those colouring books etc. The Uncle then realised that the little devils had deliberatly stuck these stickers all over the place knowing the uncle had to remove them one by one....sometimes the feeling of not knowing you were suckered is better than knowing.

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