I have to admit I ashamed don't do more charity work than I want. So when the opportunity for something so simple as a walk came up, I couldn't refuse. I mean how hard can it be? Sure it was 20km, but hey it was just a walk. I can walk forever.
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The night started well, everyone was in the mood. It felt good. because of the amount of people, starting times had to be 5-10 minutes apart to avoid overcrowding. everyone was excited. we finally started our walk at about 11. The pace was good and slow. We followed each other like a class outing. chatting and enjoying the company we were in, not knowing what to expect later. After the first km, we reached a 7-11 store and people were already building up on energy and having a mid-night snack. After the 2nd km, we were. cheered by enthusiastic orbit volunteers. it was about midnight and already people were quietening down.5kms later. the thought that entered my mind was, "that was only 5kms after all this time???" It dawned on me that the night was going to be LONG. We reached our first checkpoint (in which there was 5) and there was a small relief, We decided to move on and trudge to our 2nd. Walking, how hard could it be? There was a section of the route that required us to wear blindfold and be led by our partner for a certain distance, and then we would swap. It was strange to say the least. We obviously wouldn't know how we make up for losing a sense, but it did make us think. So many things we take for granted, we don't know how important or how hard it is to live without it. After approaching our 2nd checkpoint, we decided we needed a rest. Funny how we think something is simple until you have done it.
By the time we were half way there, the spirit seemed to have picked up. Everyone was feeling perked up again. My legs at this stage was getting stiff. We countdown the kms from here, and it was long. I wound go too much into it, just say, by the time we finished, my body was asleep, my legs tired, my feet saw and my mind confused as to how hard it became. We were ready to sleep anywhere. After everything, I had to ask myselff, would I do this again next year. YES!!, without a doubt. Why? because for something so simple for charity, why not? We are so lucky to be fully abled that we don't realise how bad or unlucky it can be for others. Hell, how much is next year going to be different? It's only walking. How hard can it be?