Things that make me go mmmmm...

Welcome to the things that I share, My page, My Life,. My thoughts, My ideas, My questions, My opinions, basically all
things that make me go hmmm.....

Monday 28 November 2011

My HCG diet.

I have been doing the HCG diet recently. I have lost a total of 15-16lbs in a space of 2 weeks. Sounds crazy? Well, I must admit its quite amazing, but it was quite hard. To do this diet you need to take HCG drops, 3 times a day. The drops help your hormones burn the fat inside your body releasing calories and weight. In order for it to work, you need to stick to a 500 calorie diet, which is incredibly low. You need to avoid foods that increase your weight such as sugar, and carbs.

You do this till you achieve your ideal weight, or for long as you want to. I did it for 2 weeks. It's not a lot, but you are putting your body through a major detoxing stage. I won't go into too much detail, except that it wasn't easy. For the first week, it was manageable with the vegetables but once you run out of ideas with food, it can be abit boring. So during the second week, for me, the meals were a bit of a task as I tried to find different ways of making the food interesting. On another note, to do the diet, you really have to love vegetables. I'm not one of those, but to lose weight, I felt it was worth trying. I made the mistake of not eating vegetables, if you don't eat enough, you can't get enough nutrients and most important, there is not enough in your body to burn. When that happens, your body will start burning muscles.which is not great, as you will feel easily tired and you will probably get aches. After describing the process, let me tell you how I felt, after the whole thing. I actually felt good because once you keep losing weight, you get a sense of achievement. But I didn't find it easy. One of the things you should always do is research. I just didn't do enough. Would I do it again? I have to be honest and say "not too sure". It's definitely worth it because you lose the fat, inches, and you have to go through a strict and discipline diet, but what you get in return is confidence, new self esteem and a new clean body to start with. It will take time like all diets but this is very effective because you are dealing with the core of the problem, which is burning much more than you can input. I would only recommend it if you took it seriously. Now back to a somewhat normal eating habit. I can enjoy crabs and sugar, but what the diet has taught me to be fully aware of what you eat and try to balance it with healthy eating.

Friday 4 November 2011

Our visit to Beijing

I made my first visit to Beijing 2 weeks ago, and it was amazing.

Beijing is a place that i need to go once, and never go back for a very long time. I went with my girlfriend for a week. We did all the main sight-seeing and that was truly amazing. We packed for w inter as we heard that autumn can be very cold, so it was better to be safe than sorry. We had planned this trip for quite a while, as I had one last trip on my visa, the choice was easy. Beijing and The Great Wall.

As the time came closer, I had began to get excited as not only would I actually get to take lots of photos to keep and cherish, but more importantly to touch and feel one of the great wonders of the world.

The plane journey from Hong Kong to Beijing took 3 to 3 and a half hours, which was very quick, which made it even better as it gave us more time to explore. As soon as we arrived, the first thing you usually notice off the plane is the weather. the weather in Beijing at this time was very dry, it reminds me of the uk. Dry and fresh, which is perfect compared to the humidity of Hong Kong.

We were lucky to book a hotel near the the centre of Beijing and also right next to one of the MTR stations. Since the Olympics, Beijing's MTR system is cleverly planned out for the tourist, it would be very hard to imagine how it was before when there was no underground stop to the tourist attractions. This I am very relieved for, as my mandarin is pretty much non-existant (!)

Even though there are stops for pretty much the main attractions, Beijing is still very big, and walking across the road can take a bit of time.

I have to say, looking back at the whole trip, out of all places we visited, The Great Wall is by far the best the most memorable and exciting. Even now, Can't really believe that I still walked some of it. I slowly learnt through this trip that its better not to have any high expectations of Beijing, as Beijing is still the same large city but with a polished exterior. In good and bad ways.

Overall, like I mentioned before, if you have never been to Beijing, then you have to go to see the sights, its a must, but once you've been, staying longer than a week, getting used to the people, food and customs may take much longer, and even then it may be not to your taste.